Admin Dashboard
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to add, edit, and delete a service for a dog daycare business.
By following these steps, users can easily manage their services and make necessary changes, ensuring that their business runs smoothly on Kennel Max.
1. Navigate to
2. Click "Add new service"
3. Add a service
4. Add the default quantity
5. for example, 1
6. Let's add a price, $15.50
7. Click "Add"
8. Let's edit a service. Click "Back to services list" to list all services registered
9. Click "Edit"
10. Let's adjust the price
11. Adjust to "25"
12. Click "Update"
13. Let's suppose you want to edit a service. Click "Back to service list"
14. Click "Edit"
15. Click "DELETE"
16. Click "Delete". This action cannot be reverted
17. For more information about dog daycare & boarding software, please visit